John Deere S680 The Challenge The customer required a power increase and ground speed increase. He was not too concerned about fuel savings, but we made gains in that department as well! The Solution Our dealer read out the factory ECU data via a special tool, and...
New Holland CR9070

New Holland CR9070

New Holland CR9070 Combine The Challenge The New Holland CR9070 Combine was struggling with a large crop thanks to ideal growing conditions. Because of this, more power was required. The Solution Our dealer traveled to the customer and read out the ECU data with...
Case 8120

Case 8120

Case 8120 Header The Challenge The Case 8120 is a common machine. However, they are often under powered for the jobs owners are putting them on. Clients often just ask for more power, but we can do even better! The Solution After having the ECU tuned by Alt Tune,...